Wellness Tip For Busy Women: Batch Cooking

When I speak to a group of women, one of the concerns that many of them raise about whole foods plant based nourishment is the time investment. I share my recipe booklet with our Butterflies to show that WFPB meal prep does not have to be stressful or time-consuming. After all, I am a busy professional woman myself. I do not have time to spend hours in the kitchen!

From the Jumpstart Booklet by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine:

Batch cooking, or making large portions of ingredients or entire meals at once to eat throughout the week, is one of the best kept secrets of a smart cook. Batch cooking saves time for both meal prep and clean up, it saves money by allowing you to buy in bulk and reduce food waste, and it eliminates the stress of making dinner from scratch every night of the week.


  • Designate a specific day of the week to do your batch cooking all at once.

  • Invest in kitchen equipment that will make batch cooking easier.

• Large stock pot, large baking dish, glass storage containers, pressure cooker, slow cooker

  • Choose meal components to cook in bulk and then assemble bowls, tacos, sandwiches and more throughout

    the week from the prepared ingredients.

    • Batch cook 1-2 starchy vegetables and grains. Make 2-3 servings of rice and or 2-3 servings of

      roasted potatoes.

    • Batch cook 1-2 plant-based proteins. Roast chickpeas, make bean burger patties, bake tofu.

    • Batch cook 2-3 vegetables. Roast mixed vegetables, steam broccoli and cauliflower, prepare a

      cabbage slaw.

    • Prepare 1-2 flavor elements such as salsa, lemon-tahini dressing, or peanut sauce.

  • Choose a whole recipe to prepare in multiple servings.

    • Divide soups, casseroles, or baked dishes like enchiladas and lasagna into individual servings and freeze in air-tight storage containers.

    • Store prepared oatmeal bowls or salads layered in jars (with the dressing on the side) in the refrigerator for grab-and-go meals throughout the week.

At Culver Wellness Center, we offer mind, body, spirit health events on a regular basis. Check out our events page for a complete list of upcoming events. Starting in 2024, we will resume offering a Whole Foods Plant Based Lunch Workshop where we go over the basics of assembling a nourishing bowl by leveraging the power of batch cooking.

We offer a transformational wellness experience exclusively for busy women who ARE NOT looking for a quick fix. We partner with you on your wellness journey to achieve your goals holistically and sustainably without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Do this for YOURSELF.

We offer a complimentary initial consultation to all prospective Butterflies to make sure we are the right wellness team to guide your journey.

At Culver Wellness Center, we help busy women transform their mind, body, spirit health holistically and sustainably. The habits that transform your body and health will also transform the health of the ones closest to you. Schedule a consultation to join our Ecosystem of Butterflies.

You can also find Dr. Adame on the Plate Up Health App as a physician expert. Follow her on the app or join the Metamorphosis Wellness Ecosystem on the app for meal ideas, exercises, mindfulness based stress reduction, group meetings, encouragement, support, and more.

We aim to be the best pediatric practice in Marshall County, Lake Maxinkuckee area, and the state of Indiana. If your child is not yet part of the Culver Pediatrics Center family, sign up in the email opt-in below to learn more about our boutique pediatrician services.


Wellness Tip For Busy Women: Healthy Lunch Meetings


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