Ear Piercing


We use the Blomdahl Medical Ear Piercing System for patient safety.

Ear lobes only.

We welcome all ages and genders. We will pierce the ears of babies as young as 4 months as long as they have had their first two DTAP vaccines. Tetanus immunization must be up to date for all ear piercing clients. We can update your Tetanus immunization at Culver Pediatrics Center.

1) Text 574-544-2343 or Email Nurse@CulverPediatrics.com to schedule your appointment. We respond to ear piercing requests during business hours.

2) Complete the consent form: https://forms.gle/ipTo7u22B5K9WLdq5

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Cost includes the piercing, starter medical plastic earrings (pair), and after care instructions. Cost is the same whether one or two ears are pierced.